The APIs provided here programmatically provide data from official Burning Man sources. Additional API data may be added over time, based upon the availability of data, programming resources and originating sources. Camp and Art location information is released to developers on the Monday before the gate opens with the stipulation that developers do not release that information to users until the gates actually open. Best effort is made to update location data, but it is possible that a camp or art installation will not be found at this published address. Make sure to check the Playa Info Directory for updates to camp and art locations.

Some settling of contents may and will occur. Participant provided data is made available only when the original contributor has explicitly or implicitly opted to have their information made public or contributed specifically for community innovation.

For any questions regarding your privacy, review the Burning Man Privacy Policy found at the bottom of every page on this website.

Please see our Terms Of Service for Burning Man APIs and Datasets for more information.

For access to art, camp, and event data go to https://api.burningman.org to request an API key.

Regional Event Calendar

Regional groups produce a variety of events and activities throughout the year for their Burner community, which are listed on each group’s Regionals Calendar.

Regional events are available in the iCal Format.

Listing of all upcoming events: http://regionals.burningman.com/events/upcoming/?ical=1&tribe_display=list
Listing of this months events: http://regionals.burningman.com/events/?ical=1&tribe_display=month